- Develop resources.
- Assist the Emergency Coordinator in developing the local organization.
- Give ARES® Registered Volunteers an opportunity to participate in the administration of the organization.
- Develop a pool of experienced ARES® Registered Volunteers from which Assistant Emergency Coordinators may be solicited.
- Comprised of 6 to 12 committed ARES® Registered Volunteers
- Headed by a chairperson
- Meets on a regular basis
- Prepares reports for the Emergency Coordinator
Current Operations:
- Increase the volunteer roster
- Assist Net Manager in developing nets and drills
- Assist AEC-Exercises in developing exercises
- Develop financial resources
- Develop a technical team to install and service equipment at served agencies
- Develop a team to train volunteers in emergency communications
- Help the EC develop the Operations Manual
Planning & Development meetings are open to the public. The schedule is published on the :
Help develop this field manual
© 2024 St. Louis Metro ARES®