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St. Louis Metro ARES®


Frequency: 146.850 (-) MHz, CTCSS tone 141.3 Hz

Alternate: 146.910 (-) MHz, CTCSS tone 141.3 Hz

Scheduled Voice Net: Wednesdays, 7:30 PM Central Time


Directed net All amateur radio operators are welcome to check in to scheduled net.

Frequency: 146.850 (-) MHz, CTCSS tone 141.3 Hz

Alternate: 146.910 (-) MHz, CTCSS tone 141.3 Hz

Scheduled Voice Practice Message Net: Wednesdays, as soon as voice net ends


Directed net

Practice formal traffic is read and copied. ICS-213 and ARRL Radiogram formats are used. The messages are simulations of actual emergency traffic.

All amateur radio operators are welcome to check in, try to copy, or even read the messages on the air.

Frequency: Any frequency that can reach a Winlink Remote Mail Server

Alternate: Telnet Winlink

Scheduled Winlink Net: Wednesdays (no time scheduled)


This net is held to learn how to send and receive messages via Winlink, and to add new capabilites, such as using forms, to your skills. The Net Control Operator sends his instructions to the Winlink group net some time on Wednesdays. Group members pick up his message when they are able and perform the exercise he has given. Send a message to [email protected] and ask to be added to the group.

Simplex frequencies used by St. Louis Metro ARES:

  • HVTac10 - 147.510 MHz
  • HVTac11 - 146.415 MHz (Zone 1, north of Page Ave)
  • HVTac12 - 147.435 MHz (Zone 2, south of Page Ave, north of I-44)
  • HVTac13 - 146.535 MHz (Zone 3, south of I-44)
  • HVTac14 - 147.585 MHz (Zone 4, St. Louis City)

  • HUTac1 = 445.900
  • HUTac2 = 445.925
  • HUTac3 = 445.950
  • HUTac4 = 445.975
  • HUTac5 = 446.025
  • HUTac6 = 446.050
  • HUTac7 = 446.075
  • HUTac8 = 446.100