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Welcome to the St. Louis Metro ARES® group

Popular NET times and frequencies

Monthly Skywarn NET

Skywarn meets the first Thursday of each month at 19:00 local time. 

Note: The monthly net will be cancelled and replaced by an alert net if there is severe weather in the area.  See for more information.


The St. Louis Metro ARES Weekly Voice NET will take place on the 146.850 (-) (141.3 Hz in/out) repeater. All amateur radio operators are encouraged to participate.

Weekly Message Practice Session

The St. Louis Metro ARES Weekly Message Practice session will take place immediately following the Weekly Voice Net on the 146.850 (-) (141.3 Hz in/out) repeater. The net typically begins around 8:00pm, but can start earlier or later depending on the length of the Weekly Voice Net. During this net, a practice message will be read, alternating between a FEMA ICS-213 General Message, and an ARRL Radiogram. Interested participants are given the opportunity to read the message, if they desire. After the practice message is read, participants are asked if they were able to copy the message, and a brief feedback session and discussion of best practices for handling formal traffic takes place.

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) provides emergency communications to "Served Agencies" such as fire and police departments, the American Red Cross, the National Weather Service, hospitals, and others. Many ARES® teams also provide communications for public service events such as marathons, parades, bike riding events, and boat races. Individual ARES® teams are organized at the county level in Missouri. This is the Web site of the ARES® team serving St. Louis City and County, Missouri.

ARRL Facts sheet for ARES



Share our website with all your favorite platforms to help raise awareness. 

St. Louis Metro ARES group is 100% volunteer funded.  We rely entirely on donations to pay for our liability insurance, equipment maintenance and so forth. Please consider making a contribution to help keep the effort going.

Latest news & events

More details


Monthly meetings

The Metro ARES monthly meeting

More information

January 17th-18th 2025


Tickets and information 

June 28th 2025

Field Day

ARRL Field Day is the most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June, more than 35,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.

More information